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a free metropolis under the protection of Anshe Chung

Far traveled indeed you seem. How many lands torn apart by chaos have you crossed? How many towns have you seen where citizens have been turned into slaves of despotism and tyranny? Or might you be one of those who believed to be a land owner only to see himself forced into exile by a mad lord or guild council running havoc on a power trip? Maybe not. Maybe you are coming from a place that fell dormant and into a state of decay due to neglect or absence of its otherwise adorable ruler. No matter what brought you here, do not despair no more.

Liberty is a sparkling metropolis based first and before all else on the right of each of its citizens to own his or her land. Not rent or lease or borrow, but own. This lifetime right is bestowed by the legendary Lady Anshe herself and her company on each inlander or outlander, human or elf, man or woman, royalty or commoner who proves himself worthy once with a contribution to the city through lot purchase.

Ahh, I see. You are asking yourself why pay for a lot in a city after you already spent money on a lot deed from Portalarium. It is true, this purchase here could be entirely avoided. You could for example take your chances with the big land rush and end up claiming a lot in a more or maybe less attractive location in a more or maybe less attractive settlement. Or you could accept an offer for a free lot in a town owned by a guild or an avatar in the hope that this offer still stands in the future after release and your generous benefactor will not suddenly change his or her mind, possibly in favor of the needs of a good friend. Ask yourself what rights do you earn as a free rider? Will you still be welcome in a guild owned town when you leave the guild or even decide to form your own guild and recruit members? Would you still be considered an asset and not a liability when you don’t spend time attending events and supporting the cause of your sponsor?

In Liberty things are simple and clear. You buy a lot and you own. Neither Lady Anshe nor anyone else in charge will care about how you lead your life in Liberty as long as you respect the SotA ToS and do not outright harass your neighbours. Nobody minds what guild you belong to or recruit for nor would you have to fear sudden city taxes or restrictions on what you are allowed or not allowed to sell with your vendors. On the other hand, there will be all the amenities and options to participate in city life and even politics, yet on an entirely voluntary basis and always in respect of the right of every other citizen in Liberty to own his land and to be left alone if he or she so wishes.


Lot ownership includes the right to claim a lot in Liberty of the lot size specified or smaller. Once the metropolis layout has been finalized we will invite people to reserve or claim a specific lot in order of their purchase dates. The way land ownership works in Shroud of the Avatar to claim and use your lot in the game, you will still need a lot deed for the appropriate lot size, which is currently sold by Portalarium through the SotA Add-on Store and as part of certain pledge packages.

Anshe Chung Limited has almost 10 years of history managing virtual real estate and developing communities in virtual worlds. Before joining Shroud of the Avatar, the company has already been managing over 4500 regions comprising more than 50000 rentable lots on a total of 295 million sqm of buildable space in Second Life. Land ownership guaranteed by Anshe Chung means your lot is safe.

  • Town zone*
  • Liberty is a major trade Metropolis located in a central and strategic map location. It will contain at least 83400sqm of land and water player lots, 15 NPC buildings and a bustling well stocked market center ideal for crafting and business.
  • Sold lot area
  • 11100 sqm
  • Available lot area
  • 72300 sqm
  • Lot type
  • Lot size
  • Your SotA name*
  • Verify You are a Human*
  • checkNumber
  • You are buying the right to claim a lot in one of our Shroud of the Avatar settlement zones once the game is released. To be able to do so you will also need a game account and a lot deed that you will have to acquire directly from Portalarium Studios.

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